Recipients, Stories

Corryong Tennis Club – Secure Pathway Project


Project: Secure Pathways – upgrading paths and walkways between sporting & community recreational areas
Impact Areas: Equity, Connection + Wellbeing
Grant: Towong Community Bushfire Disaster Relief Fund – Round 4
Awarded Amount: $17,600.00

The upgrade of the communal pathways associated with the Corryong Tennis Courts, Lawn Bowls, Croquet Club, Golf Club, Youth Club Hall, Corryong Sporting Complex, children’s playground and communal area, provides a vital link to the financial, physical and social wellbeing of the community.

As one of the town’s main sporting and social community hubs the area plays an important role in a small community as it recovers from the 2019/20 bushfires and coronavirus restrictions. This upgrade will enhance access to the town’s main sporting facilities and social community hubs for local community and visitors to the region.