Back to School 2023


Since 2005, Border Trust has supported students in-need at the start of the new school year through the annual FRRR Back to School program with the launch of the matched funding challenge kick-starting the 2023 campaign.

We are pleased to announce that with the support of Hume Bank and our local donors we raised $4,500 which has been matched by FRRR.

We have also been successful in securing a further 400 vouchers through FRRR bringing our total to 580 vouchers totalling $29,000!

Border Trust has been the local facilitators of the FRRR Back to School program since 2005 and in that time have helped distributed $50 vouchers totalling over $564,500 to help make the start of the school year just that little bit easier.

Border Trust’s Back to School Region includes the NSW & Vic LGA’s of Albury, Greater Hume, Federation, Wodonga, Towong  and Indigo. see more details here 

Donations to this program are open year-round through to school or by contacting Kate at Border Trust